The Lord of the Rings: War in the North +5 Trainer

NUM1 ———– Infinite Health
NUM2 ———– Infinite Mana
NUM3 ———– Gold*
NUM4 ———– Attribute points**
NUM5 ———– Skillpoints***
* Open your inventory to receive 999.999 gold. ³ º
** Your attribute points will decrease to -xxx, but you can increase your stats as high as you want.
*** Your skillpoints won’t decrease. You need at least one.
LOTR War in the North +5 Trainer by HoG

Jika ada kesalah dalam penulisan kata yang kurang berkenan di hati anda saya mintak maaf.. karena saya masih penuh dengan kekurangan.. apabila ada kekurangan tolong sampaikan melalui komentar anda.. Tertanda :
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