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Warhammer 40,000 Dawn Of War II Retribution | 3.2 Gb |
Command any of the six unique factions in the next stand alone expansion of the critically acclaimed Dawn of War real-time strategy franchise. Choose to build a massive army or lead your small squad of elite heroes into battle and experience a single player campaign customized to your faction. Go online and face off against your enemies and experience the fast brutal combat of the 41st millennium.
- Multi-Race Campaign: For the first time in the Dawn of War II series, players will be able to experience a single player campaign for any of the 6 available races.
- Build your Army: Upgrade your heroes and unlock new buildable units as you progress through the single player campaign.
- 6 Playable Races: Choose from 6 multiplayer races, each with their own unique super heavy units.
Minimum System Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista, Windows 7
- Processor: Pentium IV 3.2Ghz, or any twin core processor
- Memory: 1GB (XP), 1.5GB (Vista), 1.5 GB (Windows 7)
- Hard Disk Space: 8.5GB space free
- Video Card: 128 MB Video Card regulating Shader Model 3 (Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600)
- Other: Online Steam Accounte
How to Install:
- Join files with HJSplit or FFSJ
- Mount or burn the image
- Install
- Copy all files from the SKIDROW folder to the game installation
- Enjoy
- Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy
Additional Notes:
Use the Launcher.exe included with the crack to change languages

Mediafire Link :
Download Games Dawn of War II: Retribution From MediafirePatch/Crack
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Patch 3.13
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Cara pasang :
- Extract filenya ke dalem folder tempat install DOW 2 Retribution
- Jalanin DOW2.v3.13.Crack.exe
- Teken tombol yg ada tulisan v3.13 DVD v1
- Trus pilih yes (yg sebelah kiri)
Biar bisa maen LAN (Lawan CPU ato Online) pake crack dari SKIDROW
Online With Tunggle
- Install game nya + crack skidrow
- Download + install Tunggle + register free id LINK
- Ganti PlayerName sama nick yg di inginkan di SKIDROW.ini (ada di dalem folder DOW 2 Retribution)
- Login ke Tunngle
- Join room Warhammer 40.000: Dawn of war 2 Retribution
- Jalanin gamenya (pilih Multiplayer --> Custom Game --> Lan)
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