Num1: sub left score
Num2: add left score
Num4: sub right score
Num5: add right score
F1 - Tog. Speed up time (ingame)
F2 - Tog. Infinite money
F3 - Tog. 100 Job Security
F4 - Tog. 100 Fan Loyalty
F5 - Tog. Infinite profile points
F1: This will speed up the time in game. If you don't feel like playing a match, increase your own score, and enable this option to finish the game faster.
F2: This will give you infinite money in manager mode. To make use of it you must first enable the option, then change screens, so that the score gets updated :).
F3: This will grand you 100 Job Security points. To make use of it, change screens.
F4: This will grand you 100 Fan Loyalty points. To make use of it, change screens.
F5: This will give you infinite profile points. But to see the effect, you must close your profile screen, and open it again through widget manager.
Jika ada kesalah dalam penulisan kata yang kurang berkenan di hati anda saya mintak maaf.. karena saya masih penuh dengan kekurangan.. apabila ada kekurangan tolong sampaikan melalui komentar anda.. Tertanda :